Jul 3, 2016 | Hospitals, Projects
Regional One Health SEE MORE ProjectsApartment Projects Finance Government Projects Hospitals Office Projects Retail Buildings Schools Regional One Health’s chief executive officer, Dr. Reginald Coopwood, doesn’t hesitate to say that the nation’s...
Jul 3, 2016 | Hospitals, Projects
Manassa High School SEE MORE ProjectsApartment Projects Finance Government Projects Hospitals Office Projects Retail Buildings Schools Mission Statement The mission of Manassas High School is COLLEGE. Vision Statement The vision of Manassas High School to fully engage...
Jul 3, 2016 | Hospitals, Projects
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital SEE MORE ProjectsApartment Projects Finance Government Projects Hospitals Office Projects Retail Buildings Schools Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital has been named a Best Children’s Hospital by U.S. News & World...
Jun 14, 2016 | Hospitals, Projects
Methodist University Hospital SEE MORE ProjectsApartment Projects Finance Government Projects Hospitals Office Projects Retail Buildings Schools Patients who lived with the limitations in their lives caused by heart arrhythmias now have a new option. Doctors at...
Jun 14, 2016 | Hospitals, Projects
Baptist Central Hospital SEE MORE ProjectsApartment Projects Finance Government Projects Hospitals Office Projects Retail Buildings Schools The dilapidated Chisca hotel on busy South Main Street is officially in full redevelopment mode and has a strong new partner to...